
ahhhh.... the joke is on me!!

please don't let this be an indicator of what this year holds for me....

after mumbling and grumbling all weekend long that i'm not ready to go back to work yet, I force myself out of my warm fluffy bed this morning to make it to the office bright and early. After sorting through office stuff for about 45 min, I decide to check our school's main website, only to realize (with a lack of amusement) that today, January 3, the entire school is closed.... the joke must be on me.....

by 10:15am i had finished my grocery shopping, stopped by church, and am back home.... amazing!!

so, now the question is.... what next? how do i spend this last free day??

1 comment:

Ems said...

That is so something that I would normally do Miss Otis!
As my wonderful fortune cookie saying goes (one that I made up and believe it should go in a fortune cookie!) you, like myself, have the brains of a chocolate frog!
Happy New Year poppet, I'll try and call over the next few days