
the loss of blogging

you know, my home page is set to this blog and it's the first thing i see when i get on firefox.... yet, i haven't written much at all in months... and i haven't checked the blogs of so many friends.... to my dismay, many of the blogs are deleted, moved, or inactive as of 2007.... my theory: facebook has taken over. it's become THE social networking site so that only the faithful have continued to maintain their blogs.... i'm guilty of having neglected this old friend... and yet, i have so many memories and thoughts stored on this blog..... maybe i just don't have that much to say anymore... is that a sad thought or what?? where is my inspiration??


Sue said...

amy!!!!!! how amazing that i was thnking to call you today!! and then bam! you wrote on my blog! :) i miss you guys, and i have been reminiscing about our trip to see you get married just a year ago!! my how time flies!!

maybe we'll connect either by phone or car or whatever, one day soon. i hope we do! :)

Ems said...

Keep Blogging girly girl!! I want to see pics and hear random stories!! I agree, I think the cult of Facebook has taken over but blogging is great for expanding on stories and sharing more!
Mine's not been deleted - just different address http://princessemsey.blogspot.com.
Love ya
Ems xx
(PS this time last year I was running round Holland picking up pictures and jars of pickles from Meijers!!)