
as habeeb says, i am now officially part of the statistics of the blizzard of 2007.

wouldn't you know it.....

* a frozen waterpipe - thank you, Lord, for not letting it burst... and yes, now it runs hot water, although i can't turn it off with the faucet. any ideas, anyone?

* coming from kalamazoo today, i took the otsego exit and hit an icy patch.... before i knew it, I sailed right over a metal pole, up a snowbank and onto a street sign which is now at a permanent 45 degree. again, thank you, lord, for keeping me safe.... my car is okay, i'm okay, i didn't get a ticket, and i didn't even mind paying the $40 for the tow truck to pull me out. i'm just glad to be safe!

ahhhhh... spring, where art thou??

1 comment:

Ems said...

Oh poppet! It's hilarious over here at the moment, they've forcast snow in some areas for tonight and tomorrow and people just seem to be going into a panic over it...you know us Brits, can't handle extremes!! Glad that you're OK though!