
donut cushion, anyone??

sigh.... my latest adventure has definitely slowed me down... i am now a (not-so) proud member of the 'bruised-tailbone-club'..... yes... that is right... i have a bruised tailbone.....

let's just say that selecting a steep enough hill for speed to allow you to become airborn via a snow bank is not such a hot idea when there is a frozen gravel parking lot right after the snowbank. my friend, yaser, an "expert" sledder (i think it was his first time sledding) decided that he would steer us down the hill on the pretty red plastic sled..... the dull 'thud' that we got after soaring through the air does not give justice to the pain i am now feeling.....

.... no, i have not resorted to the donut cushion, though that is what the good doc recommends.... guess i'm banned from further sledding this season.... :(


Anonymous said...

i haven't gotten my snowpants out yet this year - but i doubt they would provide little cushion against a gravel landing. home you're doing well. ames

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Hope your soreness goes away soon. Ryan can probably relate to your soreness. Last year we went sledding with a few high schoolers from church. He decided to go head first down the hill and "get some air" by launching himself off a ramp a kid had placed on the hill. Let's just say that he was a little sore the next day!


Sue said...

heeheehee...poor poor amy, but i'm afraid the picture in my head was quite funny! :) teehee.

i understand...ooooh what a terrible feeling! terrible frozen stuffs...hope you get a nice pillow with polk-a-dots.

from sue.

Anonymous said...

good to here from you again. hope your bum heals quickly.--Marie